
Marks visually encode data using geographic primitives. We currently support VEGA's area, line, rect, rule, symbol, and text marks.

Changing styles

The marks are styled using three encode options. The initial style is set with enter. The markers are updated with the update option. A hover event triggers a hover and a mouseout then styles the point again using update. It should be noted that to save processing, the hover event actually just draws the styled version of the marker on a separate canvas and draws that on top of the existing canvas. This means we can keep a copy of the existing canvas and not have to re-draw everything. The result is that you may be able to see parts of the non-hovered version of the marker depending on how you style the hovered version. This will be more noticeable for text markers.

Supported generic mark properties

Property Type Description
typeStringThe type of mark: area, line, rect, rule, symbol, and text.
clipBooleanThis specifies if the marks should be clipped to the chart area. Note that this is more limited that allowed in VEGA
nameStringA unique name (without spaces) to reference this mark.
descriptionStringAn optional description of this mark shown in the layer choosing menu. If it is the same as other marks, these will be grouped in the layer menu.
fromObjectAn object describing the data this mark set should visualize. This will reference the data layer name to take the data from e.g. {"data": "lightcurve"}.
interactiveBooleanA boolean flag (default true) indicating if the marks can serve as input event sources. If false, no mouse or touch events corresponding to the marks will be generated.
encodeEncodeAn object containing a set of visual encoding rules for mark properties. This can contain properties and values that are set using the enter, update, and hover events.
  1. Area

    Area marks are filled areas. See which VEGA properties are supported below

    Example of an area mark.

    Supported area mark properties

    Property Type Description
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.
  2. Line

    Line marks are stroked paths with constant width, defined by an ordered set of (x, y) coordinates. See which VEGA properties are supported below

    The VEGA implementation allows a defined flag to say if a data point is defined. If false, the corresponding line segment will be omitted creating a "break". Our implementation allows breaks to be included by inserting undefined values in the data. The following example includes a line with a break and hover events.

    Example of a line mark.

    Supported line mark properties

    Property Type Description
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.
  3. Rect

    Rect marks are rectangles with a given position, width and height. They are useful for drawing error bars behind data points. See which VEGA properties are supported below.

    Example of rect marks.

    Supported rect mark properties

    Property Type Description
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.
  4. Rule

    Rule marks are simply a line from (x, y) to (x2, y2). These are useful for adding horizontal or vertical lines. See which VEGA properties are supported below.

    Example of rule marks.

    Supported rule mark properties

    Property Type Description
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.
  5. Symbol

    Symbol marks are useful for plotting data, and include circles, squares and oriented triangles. See which VEGA properties are supported below.

    Example of symbol marks.

    Supported symbol mark properties

    Property Type Description
    sizeNumberThe area in pixels of the symbols bounding box. Note that this value sets the area of the symbol; the side lengths will increase with the square root of this value.
    shapeStringThe symbol shape. One of circle (default), square, cross, diamond, triangle-up, triangle-down, triangle-right, triangle-left. A custom SVG path string is not supported.
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.
  6. Text

    Text marks are useful for adding labels to a plot. See which VEGA properties are supported below.

    Example of text marks.

    Supported text mark properties

    Property Type Description
    alignStringThe horizontal text alignment. One of left (default), center, or right.
    angleNumberThe rotation angle of the text in degrees (default 0).
    baselineStringThe vertical text baseline. One of alphabetic (default), top, middle, bottom.
    dirStringThe direction of the text. One of ltr (left-to-right, default) or rtl (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to the limit parameter.
    dxNumberThe horizontal offset in pixels (before rotation), between the text and anchor point.
    dyNumberThe vertical offset in pixels (before rotation), between the text and anchor point.
    ellipsisStringThe ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter (default “…”).
    fontStringThe typeface to set the text in (e.g., Helvetica Neue).
    fontSizeNumberThe font size in pixels.
    fontWeightString | NumberThe font weight (e.g., normal or bold).
    fontStyleStringThe font style (e.g., normal or italic).
    limitNumberThe maximum length of the text mark in pixels (default 0, indicating no limit). The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
    radiusNumberPolar coordinate radial offset in pixels, relative to the origin determined by the x and y properties (default 0).
    textStringThe text to display. This text may be truncated if the rendered length of the text exceeds the limit parameter.
    thetaNumberPolar coordinate angle in radians, relative to the origin determined by the x and y properties (default 0). Values for theta follow the same convention of arc marks: angles are measured in radians, with 0 indicating up or “north”.
    xNumberThe primary x-coordinate in pixels.
    x2NumberThe secondary x-coordinate in pixels.
    xcNumberThe center x-coordinate. Incompatible with x and x2.
    widthNumberThe width of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    yNumberThe primary y-coordinate in pixels.
    y2NumberThe secondary y-coordinate in pixels.
    ycNumberThe center y-coordinate. Incompatible with y and y2.
    heightNumberThe height of the mark in pixels, if supported.
    opacityNumberThe mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    fillColorThe fill color.
    fillOpacityNumberThe fill opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeColorThe stroke color.
    strokeOpacityNumberThe stroke opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
    strokeWidthNumberThe stroke width in pixels.
    strokeCapStringThe stroke cap for line ending style. One of butt (default), round or square.
    strokeDashNumber[ ]An array of [stroke, space] lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
    strokeDashOffsetNumberThe pixel offset at which to start the stroke dash array.
    strokeJoinStringThe stroke line join method. One of miter (default), round or bevel.
    strokeMiterLimitNumberThe miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
    cursorStringThe mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.
    hrefURLA URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
    tooltipAnyThe tooltip text to show upon mouse hover. If the value is an object (other than a Date or an array), then all key-value pairs in the object will be shown in the tooltip, one per line (e.g., "key1: value1\nkey2: value2"). Array values will be shown in brackets [value1, value2, ...]. Other values will be coerced to strings. Nested object values will not be recursively printed.
    zindexNumberAn integer z-index indicating the layering order of sibling mark items. The default value is 0. Higher values (1) will cause marks to be drawn on top of those with lower z-index values. Setting the z-index as an encoding property only affects ordering among sibling mark items; it will not change the layering relative to other mark definitions. Unlike the mark-level sort property, zindex changes the rendering order only; it does not otherwise change mark item order (such as line or area point order). The most common use of zindex is to ensure that a mark is drawn over its siblings when selected, such as by mouse hover.